10-25, 15:45–18:45 (Europe/Bucharest), LG1
Participanții la seminar vor învăța să folosească Wikidata și OpenRefine pentru a îmbogăți datele din baza de date a contactelor primăriilor (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w-LlAOq8awziuYhuVH8d9H08FcdYNENw37rJk2Tmx3Q/edit) de pe geo-spatial.org cu informații din Wikidata.
Echipamente necesare: laptop.
Octavian is Sr. Data Acquisition & Community Lead at HERE Technologies, a digital mapping company setting a new course for location technology. He has a strong background in the GIS, IT&Retail field, working on multiple projects at regional and international level. Active on civic projects and interested in promoting GIS, open data sources, open software, technologies and always enjoying a hike into the mountains.
Long time Wikimedian & software engineer, occasional contributor to other open-content projects