Vitalie DILAN
Born in Causeni, Republic of Moldova, graduated the Faculty of Geography, Tiraspol State University (after the educational reform in the Republic of Moldova, from 2022, Tiraspol State University was merged with “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University) in 1995, and took his MSc in Geography (2006) and Geoinformatics (2021) at the same university. From 1995 working in the field of Geography, from 2005 with a focus on GIS when as a result of fruitful cooperation with Intergraph the GIS Laboratory (as part of the Faculty of Geography) was set up, which it runs to date. In more than 15 years as a Head of Laboratory lead several projects in the field of GIS as a project manager, GIS expert, team leader etc.
He is an active member of FOSS4G community with strong collaboration with community (OSGeo Local Chapter of Romania, Bucharest, Romania) and participated in several trainings organized by EuroSDR, FOSS4G, Esri, EEA etc. He is the member of some professional associations such as the Moldavian Geographical Society (Member of the Board – 2000 – present); University Consortium for GIS Research and Education (Member of the Board); OIKUMENA Public Association – President of the Association (2005-2015), Member of the Board (2015-present); European Geosciences Union etc.

Cuvânt de introducere din partea gazdelor seminarelor
Parcursul AO OIKUMENA de la o prima hartă în SIG (Rezervația științifică ”Prutul de Jos”) până la Sistemul Public de Date Spațiale de Mediu: 25 de ani în 20 minute.
Aceasta este întâlnirea informală a seminarului unde vă invităm să ne cunoaștem mai bine și să continuăm discuțiile începute în pauzele de cafea.