Seminariile Timișoara 2023

Tõnis Kärdi

Tõnis is a freelance GIS/IT consultant from Tartu, Estonia. Integrating spatial data and spatial data usage into existing and newborn information systems alike is his main focal point of work. And of course, advocating for the adoption of FOSS for the purpose along the way. He is an OSGeo Charter Member since 2017.

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The STs of PostGIS
Tõnis Kärdi

PostGIS is a very powerful tool in the hands of anyone dealing with spatial data on a daily basis. We're going to look at some more or less useless but fun ways how PostGIS-flavoured spatial SQL can be used to dismantle, re-arrange, or even produce data. This talk will cover a few oddities I've been lucky to engage myself with over the past years. Expect gifs, and a lot of SQL.

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